I am writing this blog because my therapist encouraged me to. I had blogged before (about cosmetics and beauty) but kind of fell out of love with the process. But then I had some incredible breakthroughs in therapy last year and my therapist encouraged me to share my experiences. She actually suggested writing a book but I find this format a bit less daunting.
It’s hard to convey how much my therapist did for me last year. Of course, she would argue that I did all the work but she certainly nudged in the right direction. And this is why I’m here to tell you: if there is any feasible way for you to get therapy, please do. I think everyone should get therapy. I know that it’s almost impossible to access in some countries (which will never fail to piss me off…). I also know that therapy doesn’t have the answers to everything. But it will have the answers to a lot of your problems. If you find the right therapist.
Because I’ve wasted MANY years on bad therapy. One psychiatrist wasted an entire year of therapy sessions just sitting there and occasionally nodding while I rambled for an hour. I don’t think she ever suggested anything to help me apart from writing me a prescription for an anti-depressant. They did absolutely nothing for me (I know that they work brilliantly for many other people). Then she took me off the medication too quickly, and I ended up feeling a lot worse than before. Another therapist tried to talk me into intense psychoanalysis with 3 sessions per week. She told me to ask my parents to pay for it (wow). And then there was this lovely but incredibly flaky therapist who admittedly DID help me through my panic attacks and my agoraphobia (I doubt you truly ever overcome these things) but she completely failed me in the end. She firmly believed that my walking issues were being caused by a psychosomatic illness. When I finally got diagnosed with a genetic illness, she refused to believe it. Very helpful…not.
After all of these adventures, I was kind of over therapy and decided to fend for myself. However, by the end of 2017, I felt myself slipping again. The agoraphobia was creeping back in, and I felt incredibly sad and unmotivated most of the time. I didn’t want to get up in the morning. So I decided to give therapy one last chance. I had no idea where to find a good therapist and was intrigued when I found out that our local university has a group practice where the right therapist for each patient is carefully chosen from a pool of therapists after a very thorough initial assessment. I went through a couple of assessment sessions, filled in questionnaires (as did my husband), and all of this was taped and then analysed by the therapists. In the end, I was matched with an incredible therapist who was just an absolutely perfect fit. The entire process had taken a while, but it was all well worth it.
My therapist was able to guide me through my ongoing issues. We talked through every issue I had encountered in the previous week, and yes, we did take a deep dive into my past, which made a lot of sense in my case. However, we did not dwell on the roots of my issues but worked out strategies for my everyday problems. Some of her ideas were incredibly creative and helped me reframe my often painful life journey. I was able to contribute ideas and approaches, and the whole experience was just incredibly uplifting and invigorating. That year in therapy really changed me on a fundamental level and I finally found a way to be content, no, happy with my life.
So yes, I know that finding the right therapist can be a pain. Sometimes you have to kiss a lot of frogs… Wow, what a bad analogy lol. But it can be worth all of that trouble if you find someone who can help you change your life and make sense of the jumbled mess in your head.